While the main purpose of this project is to raise $600,000 to rebuild Umri Christian Hospital in rural central India,
our team has also challenged North American friends to help us purchase 750 bicycles @$50 per bicycle for outreach workers in India. Bicycles are the primary form of transportation for most Indians. Increased mobility means more effectiveness, greater access, further reach, and higher quality of life. Bicycles like the Indian-made Atlas or Hero bikes are sturdy and last a lifetime.
We're happy to report that,
as of this date, funds have been contributed to purchase 635 bicycles in India in January, 2007. Thanks to all who have contributed...
especially to the children! Only 120 bikes to go! Can you help us make it a full 750 by contributing $50 or more to this effort? If so, please follow the donation instructions on the right sidebar or go to our website --
www.bikeindia.org -- to print out a donation form. Thanks for what you are able to do.
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