READY TO ROLL? We're just six weeks away from starting to roll on "Bicycle India 2007" - our 2,000-mile ride through India to raise awareness and $600,000 to rebuild Umri Christian Hospital. Hard to believe we're that close! Yikes!

BOXED BIKES. Our North American team members meet together on November 28 - our final preparation and planning meeting before getting on an Air India flight to Mumbai on December 26. We will box up the second of our three bikes. Our three bikes - boxed carefully in containers designed especially for bikes - will be checked as part of our baggage.
One of our significant hopes (and prayers!) on logistics is that our bikes arrive in southern India when we do! The difference between riding a single-speed 40-lb. bike (the typical bike used in India) and our multiple-speed lightweight (22-25 lb.) bikes is vast.
ITINERARY FIRM. We have firmed up our daily itinerary, at least to the point of identifying what towns and cities we hope to arrive in each afternoon. We plan to ride over 100 kilometers (62+ miles) five or six days days a week for most of the six weeks.
Our goal is to start early each day - around 6:30 am - and try to be at our daily destination by early afternoon. This, we hope, will keep us out of the hottest portions of the day in India's "winter." While the American Midwest will be experiencing freezing temperatures in January, we anticipate 85-95 degree temps and full sun during the day. It will be "cold" in the evenings - down to 75! We anticipate cooler weather as we approach New Delhi during the first week of February.
Thanks for your interest & involvement. Check back often for updates. Learn more @
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