Meet our Team MembersJohn Hay, Jr.
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
NOT IOWA...INDIA! It's true: I've never been to Iowa, though only Illinois separates Iowa and Indiana, where I live. But that's what I thought about when I was asked to participate in Bicycle India 2007 by tour organizer Bob Yardy a little less than two years ago. No matter, as soon as Bob discussed with me the charitable cause and the challenge of the 2,000-mile ride, I was "on board."
INDIANAPOLIS LOVING. I've invested all most all of my adult and professional life in Indianapolis, Indiana. You might say I feel "called" to this metropolitan area. I've served as an urban pastor, a community center director, a regional metropolitan planning coordinator, director of a homeless day center, and now an urban pastor again. I graduated from Plainfield High School, adjacent to Indy, and have been living, cycling, serving, and learning around Central Indiana ever since, leaving only for college and seminary. If you've got the time, I can show and tell all about the best of Indianapolis!
THE INDIAN EXPERIENCE. It wasn't until our other North American team member, Free Methodist Church Bishop Joe James, invited me to tag along with him on his semi-annual administrative trip to India back in January 2006, that I'd been outside the United States as an adult. That three-week visit took us from Hyderbad to Kolkata (Calcutta) to Nagpur and, finally, to Mumbai (Bombay). It opened my eyes and heart in powerful ways. I wasn't in Kansas, er, Indiana, anymore. Mark Twain was right, India surpasses the experience of all other places combined. Since our return, I've been so looking forward to getting back India for this unique adventure.
ON THE HOMEFRONT. I'm grateful to my community of faith and family for their support and readiness to allow me to leave my place of service for six weeks. Our church leaders have been gracious. My wife and four children are both excited for me and anxious about the project. During these last two weeks before we ride, I'm busy trying to do all I can to make preparations for smooth operations and care for all in Indy during this special mssion. I hope to get on the Air India jet and be able to focus fully on the challenge of our ride and effort to raise awareness of--and funds for--Umri Christian Hospital's important work within India.
IOWA...SOMEDAY. I also hope I get to go to Iowa someday. I've always wanted to ride the RAGBRI. Maybe next year! Thanks for your interest & involvement. Check back often for updates. Learn more @