Sunday, December 17, 2006


To borrow from the title of Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong's bestselling book, our project to ride 2,000 miles thru India is "not about the bike."

It's about...

...RECOGNIZING THE FAITHFULNESS AND COMMITMENT of people who have served the medical needs of hundreds of thousands rural central Indian residents for 55 years.

It's about...

...REBUILDING FOR A NEW GENERATION, replacing deteriorating 1920's-era buildings with a modern facility that will provide for advanced medical interventions.

It's about...

...REGENERATING SUPPORTING AND MAKING NEW FRIENDS within India, support and friendships that are vital to long-term vision, sustainability, and growth of UCH as an important healthcare provider for underserved people.

It's about...

...CELEBRATING A FUTURE OF HOPE that professional medical care, community health outreach, dedicated caregivers, and sustained support make possible.

Our commitment to ride 2,000 miles thru India isn't a matter of "having fun" on wheels for six weeks. It's about riding through villages, towns and cities, talking hundreds of times to people along the way about UCH, encouraging their support, and enlisting their commitment to celebrate its opportunities. The bicycle entourage is a method that makes possible such face-to-face contact that UCH needs to win the hearts and minds of people within India.

Thanks for your interest & involvement. Check back often for updates. Learn more @

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