February 3, 2007 - from Jhansi to Gwalior
MEETING SEBASTIEN. Our 100-kilometer / 62-mile ride north from Jhansi to Gwalior on this day last year was smooth, but not uneventful. Riding through a small town, a young man on a bike rode up beside me. Not unusual. What was unusual was that he was on a mountain bike and that he was white. As he rode along beside me, I discovered that his name was Sabastien and he was from Lausanne, Switzerland. I invited him to ride with us and join us for lunch. We learned that he had ridden alone from Katmandu, Nepal and was touring India, eventually intending to ride to Kolkata.
GREAT SAVE. After lunch, Sabastien left us, riding on ahead. But we came across him in about an hour. His bike had broken down, apparently irrepairably. We hoisted his bike on the trailer and took him on in to Gwalior. Bob Yardy spent the next three hours taking apart and repairing his back wheel hub and gear assembly. With Bob's know-how and parts cobbled together from local shops, the bike was nearly good as new and Sebastien was able to continue his trek.
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