POST #26

FROM YAVATMAL TO WARDHA. We were sent off by Yavatmal College for Leadership Training early this morning. Also, four boys from a local "Awana" youth program accompanied us on bicycles to the edge of the city. What fun! Five Indian riders are accompanying us to Nagpur; they are from YCLT. One is the institution President Justus; three are teachers at the college; one is a student. They all made the 70-kilometer/42 mile journey quite well.
AT GANDHI’S HOME. We passed through Wardha, a major intra-India train exchange depot, and rode on to a little place called Sevagram. Sevagram became the rural home of Mahatma Gandhi in 1936. From this quiet place Gandhi not only practiced the simple, powerful principles of his convictions, but led India in a non-violent manner until England left in 1947. Gandhi led India to Independence without a shot being fired.

Three years later the Indian democracy was established on January 26, 1950; Republic Day is commemorated across India with great affection. It seems fitting that we should begin Republic Day at Gandhi’s home tomorrow.
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