POST #27

REPUBLIC DAY ALL ALONG THE WAY. Every town and village we rode through on our way to Nagpur today was having a parade or celebrating. It is Republic Day in India. On this day in 1950 the nation, which gained its independence non-violently from England just three years earlier (on August 15, 1947), became a republic. India is now the world’s largest democracy. You can tell that Indians are very proud of their country and its growing place among nations. It is written on their faces and in the intensity of their patriotism on this day. We celebrated with them, flying the India flag on our bicycles.
Photo: Boys celebrate in a Republic Day parade.
WARMING UP TO NAGPUR. The day started very chilly at Gandhi’s ashram at Sevagram. Temperatures hovered in the high 50s (Fahrenheit) until the sun climbed into a clear sky. By mid-morning it was hot and getting hotter. This weather reminds us of early
September days in

the American Midwest. Our 42-mile / 68-kilometer ride was complete before noon, even with two occasions of greetings by local well-wishers. We are in lodging in Nagpur, a major city that is likely closest to being the geographic center of India. This is the last major city we will pass thru before Agra and the New Delhi/Delhi area.
THANKS TO OUR FRIENDS. We’re grateful for the companionship of President Justus and the four cyclists from Yavatmal College for Leadership Training, who have ridden with us from Yavatmal to Nagpur. It’s always great to see folks in academia engage in a little sport—this time in support of Umri Christian Hospital. We’re also grateful for the welcome we received from folks from the Nagpur area Free Methodist congregations and from the team at Maharashtra Village Ministries.
Photo: children play at a well near Nagpur...the well and school are facilitated by MVM

NOW IS THE TIME TO CONTRIBUTE. We want to be clear: the focus of this ride is not about five people riding from the southern tip of India to New Delhi on bicycles. The ride only serves to heighten awareness of Umri Christian Hospital and to call for friends from all over the world to contribute to its reconstruction. Have you made a donation yet? If so, thank you! If not, please consider doing so now. If you live in India and have friends in North America or other places, please call them and encourage them to give at this time. If you know of someone who would be willing to support our cause or effort, now is the time to contact them and encourage contributions—great and small. We appreciate the fact that many people are praying for our safety—and we are grateful for that. If you are praying for us, would you consider shaping your prayers toward the needed resources to reconstruct Umri Christian Hospital?
Photo: riders offer brochures about UCH to inquiring people we pass by.Thanks for your interest & involvement. Check back often for updates. Learn more @
1 comment:
wishing you all a very happy Republic Day....what a way to spend - in Gandhi's Sewagram.
On this Republic day, here are some quotes from India's popular and current President Abdul Kalam to inspire you along your journey....
"What actions are most excellent? To gladden the heart of a human being, to feed the hungry, to help the afflicted to lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful and to remove the wrongs of injured…"
"All God's creatures are His family; and he is the most beloved of God who tries to do most good to God's creatures."
with love,
James & Esther
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